Hi there!

Welcome to the Health Analytic Insights Podcast.

I am Alana, the host of the Health Analytic Insights podcast. I have my master’s in biomedical engineering, and I am currently working in the field of health informatics. When I graduated from university, I like many of my peers had a rude awakening that just having a degree doesn’t magically open the doors you want to enter. What followed was a long and difficult two-year journey to attempt to find a job in my field. Along the way I picked up on some impactful tips that helped me to pivot into the health informatics field. I created this podcast to discover a community of individuals who are passionate about the field of health informatics and help them to get into the field quicker with actionable and helpful tips.

If this resonates with you, don’t forget to follow and subscribe to this podcast as I will be uploading new episodes bi-weekly

With the Health Analytic Insights Podcast I hope to share information and advice in topics such as health informatics, digital health, biomedical engineering and data visualization in healthcare and in exchange, I would love to hear from YOU about your experience and interest in this field, you can drop me a line at healthanalyticinsights@gmail.com, thanks so much for listening!